
Free Health Articles-Let's Prevent Cancer by Consuming Vegetables and Fruits!

As we know, Cancer is a unique disease, among the one reason is the food and medicine could also food.
experts say eating fruits and vegetables can adequately prevents the onset of cancer in the body.
I am looking for information about any fruit and vegetables can prevent cancer, from the search results I did. I can take the conclusion that there are some fruits and vegetables that we consume should be sufficient to prevent cancer
. include:
  • Eggplant Purple
Also known as aubergines, vegetables containing these terpenes can reduce the potential of human
  • Chocolate
Chocolate here is not food products that contain excess sugar levels. What is meant is the fruit of dark chocolate with high cocoa content, at least 70 percent.
Thus, the fruit will be rich with antioxidants and polyphenols, which slow the growth element of the cancer cells

  • Broccoli
Similarly, cabbage, green vegetables, bean sprouts, broccoli has a powerful substance that resist cancer-causing molecules or anticancer. Even a study proving that broccoli can help men develop prostate cancer.
  • Fish oil
As prepared from fresh fish, sardines, and herring, has the Omega 3 content is high, so as to reduce tumor growth drastically.
  • Garlic
It has been reliable since many years ago, garlic proven to prevent human beings from cancer attacks the anus, breast, lung, kidney, and prostate
  • Orange
Oranges, lemons, and limes (lime), known to contain flavonoids that can stop the inflammation. In addition, the orange or the like can also help people avoid the attack of brain cancer, because of abortion could kill cancer cells.
  • Tomatoes
Tomato or frequently encountered in the form of tomato sauce, contain substances that disebutlycopene, so it can protect against prostate cancer. When interspersed with carrots and apricots, tomatoes contain high carotenoids. This substance is able to prevent your exposure to brain tumors.

Thats it the fruit and vegetables can prevent cancer, so start now consume enough fruits and vegetables for a healthy life.

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